Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are you missing me?

Hello readers if you are out there! Sorry I have been missing these past couple of weeks but I have been abroad. Brussels seems very far right now as I sit here in Brooklyn. Do I miss Brussels? Hmmm, let me think about that one! While Brussels is a pretty cosmopolitan in many ways, it is very easy not to miss the city. I do miss the wonderful food and beer! However, since New York is so international finding beer and many other European delicacies is not that difficult if you are willing to pay a little premium.

The other night, my husband, baby and I went to our local pub. On tap was the Mannequin Pis beer. It made me feel a little nostalgic for Belgium's national pissing boy. I also went to a cook out the other night and brought a big bottle of Corsendonk that I bought at my local supermarket. So you see, it is not difficult to live la vie de Belgique in the US.

I have also been trying to find out what is going on politically over there. It seems the world does not care about Belgium's upcoming elections. Current events in England, France, Germany and Greece seems to make the headlines. Yet no one cares about little Belgium. What if one day the country would implode and there would be no more beer, chocolate or waffles? Would the world then care? I am guessing apparently not.

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